This first graph show us a sample answered by different people in the south of the United States, but who are between the ages of 10 to 18 years old. This graph is divided by gender as well as dividing it by the cases in which cyber bullying can happen.  After looking to the graph, I can notice that not too many people had answered that they had started the bullying, and there are much more answers about how this people have been bullied in their whole lifetime (Male: 16.6% and Female: 25.1%)
This other and last graph show us how the cyber bullying felt after the damage has already been made. 
The most common answers between the females that had answered the sample; are the anger as well as the frustration, both with (56%)
A whole different case is presented between the males, because the majority had answered that they were not bothered at all (53.8%).  In my opinion, I do not think it is a weird or common answer between the males because they are always trying to keep everything like it is not a big deal; but in fact I do think that they are trying to pretend to be this tough individuals  but on the inside they could be feeling very sad or either depressed. 

So, I do think that this statistics presented below does not quite give us the perfect pattern or data. The boys answers might be biased because of what they are trying to show but not what they are really feeling  But I do think that girls answers have more chances to be near the results that i was looking for because girls tend to be much more sentimental, and it is not a problem for them to tell how they really feel. 

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